A car crash can quickly turn a fun day out into a nightmare. There are several kinds of collisions that take place, and many could be prevented if drivers did not get distracted, drive drunk or drive drowsy.
Crashes range in severity. If you suffer an injury, you’re in an injury crash. Comparably, if you’re in a crash where anyone dies, the crash is a fatal crash, An injury crash can become a fatal crash if anyone who was injured dies within 30 days of the accident as a result of injuries suffered during the collision.
Crashes are also categorized by the type of collision that took place. Most people know about rear-end collisions or head-on crashes. Others include non-collision, angle, sideswipe, hit fixed object and hit pedestrian.
A non-collision accident is one where no collision actually occurs. This might happen if there is a fire, overturn or if a flying object strikes the vehicle. Comparably, the hit-fixed-object collision is one where the vehicle hits a tree, embankment or other fixed object. Sideswipe accidents take place when two vehicles strike side to side while traveling in the same or opposite directions.
In all 67 counties in Pennsylvania, there are over 120,000 miles of roads and highways, creating many areas where these different crashes can occur. With 127,127 total crashes reported in Pennsylvania in 2015 and over 80,000 injuries, there’s a chance you or someone you know was injured in a crash. If you’re ready to file a claim against a negligent or dangerous driver, your attorney is there to help.
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, “Crash Facts & Statistics,” accessed May 03, 2017